Help me bring the holiday spirit back to my home in Guatemala!

As we all know 2020 has been a year to remember and it hasn’t been a great year for many. Recently, I took a trip to my motherland, Guatemala, to visit the orphanage “Hogar Miguel Magone”, a place I once called “home,” and it hurt me seeing how this worldwide pandemic is affecting them. Due to the pandemic they have received less donations, financial support and fewer group visits due to social distancing. Therefore, I have decided to do something special for the boys and girls of this orphanage this Christmas. My ambitious goal is to raise enough money to buy each kid a good, lasting, pair of shoes and make a traditional Guatemalan meal for everyone at the orphanage to celebrate Christmas.
Currently, there are about 100 kids at the orphanage, 55 boys and 45 girls from ages 2 to 17. The approximate cost of a good, lasting, pair of shoes is around $25/kid and $12/kid for the Christmas meal, which will include traditional foods such as tamales, turkey, mashed potatoes, vegetables and ponche, a traditional Guatemalan Christmas drink.
Ways you can help: You can send a donation to the link below or send kid/teenager size shoes to the address (listed below). The goal is to raise at least $4,000. Any remaining funds will be utilized to buy a few hair clippers, soccer balls, personal hygiene items and school supplies. I plan to deliver these Christmas gifts and donations myself along with a small group of pilot friends during the first week of January.
Thank you,
Kevin Crist
108 North Lakeview Drive, Harrisburg PA, 17110
“Helping those less fortunate than us is a blessed opportunity to show thanks for the gifts of life that we ourselves enjoy”.